Sunday, June 1, 2008

The Royal Tenenbaums.

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Absolutely one of my personal favorites, The Royal Tenenbaums is a stunning example of Wes Anderson's directing style. If you have not seen this movie I will begin by saying it's a must watch for anyone whom enjoys a little dry humor. The Royal Tenenbaums is visually stimulating with it's quick pans, vivid use of pastel colors, 90 degree camera angles, & constant use of symmetry makes every frame a masterpiece.

In the perfect world Wes Anderson everything that needs to be seen is always in focus and always fits the frame. Was Anderson, like many directors, has a pattern throughout his works; weather it's in scenery, characters, or camera shots.

I was displeased to find a critic whom was unable to notice Wes Anderson's style and creativity in The Royal Tenenbaums. The thing about this critic, a Mr. Andrew Sarris, is that he is experienced enough to have a well rounded opinion about the film and Wes Anderson himself. He has seen a few of Wes' films and has spotted a few of his trademarks, however I believe he is either looking too deep into the story or that he was expecting something more from Anderson as a story teller. In his review he goes on to say a brief summary of the main plot, compares the film with a couple others of Wes' and gives it a poor score by saying, "The Tenenbaums and the equally eccentric characters around them work so hard at being distinctive soloists that they lose contact with the rest of the ensemble." As I see his point of view & how this may be so, I believe Wes was aiming for a story that was indeed obviously fictional & that couldn't be compared to many others. He was going for a film that would be out of pure creativity and idea & bring an actual in depth background to his characters.

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Regardless of what may be said, the facts are this... The Royal Tenenbaums was very successful at the box office, it turned out to be a stunning visual performance, & is nothing short than a summarized depiction of Wes Anderson's directing style. I digress, The Royal Tenenbaums is an amazing film with it's ups and downs as many films are, however it is still one to be appreciated & worth the effort to analyze.